This is an amazing anti aging treatment that eradicates dark circles under the eyes.

We use a dermal filler that is specifically designed for this procedure to fill the hollows which are often caused by volume loss. This will instantly refresh your look so no more tired looking eyes!
How much will I need?
You will need no more than 1ml for this area.
How long does it take?
On arrival we will carry out a thorough consultation, this is to ensure that you are fit for treatment. You will be asked questions about your medical history (this is completely confidential) and we will discuss exactly what you would like to achieve. The treatment will take approximately 30 minutes and once completed we will deliver any relevant aftercare.
When will I see the results?
You will see results immediately as the injected product plumps up the tissues, However we do allow a few days for the final results to give it time to settle.
Will there be any bruising or swelling?
Yes there may be slight bruising and swelling. Swelling can last a few days, but we recommend to allow up-to 14 days for the initial bruising/swelling to subside before assessing the final results of your treatment.
Does it hurt?
There will be slight discomfort when making the entry point with the needle ready for cannula however the cannula will not hurt due to its blunt tip. Numbing cream may be applied prior to treatment to help make you feel more comfortable.
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