Laser hair removal is an advance pain free treatment to remove unwanted hair.

What is the difference between IPL and Laser?
The key difference between the two treatments is that IPL uses a broad spectrum of high intensity light, which is emitted at multiple wavelengths. Laser hair removal emits a single focussed and precise wavelength, which is optimised for maximum follicle absorption.
How it works
Specific wavelengths of laser light are selectively absorbed by melanin, the dark pigment which surrounds the hair follicle and disables the follicle at the root causing the hair to fall out permanently. Our laser machines use the optimal wavelength to deliver high energy ensuring the best results.
Does it permanently remove unwanted hair?
Yes our laser machines can remove hair permanently. The hairs treated with our laser will not grow back. However any future hormonal changes may result in future growth of new hairs and more sessions would be required. There are three stages of hair growth and at any one time only 30% of the hairs are visible on the skin surface the rest are in a dormant state, this is why you will need multiple sessions.
How many sessions will I need?
We recommend that most people will need an average of 6/8 treatments every 4/8 weeks (area depending) to kill the hair follicles beneath the skin and prevent future growth. Some people will require more sessions if any future hormonal changes result in new growth. Yearly top ups may also be required 1/2 sessions, to keep any stray hairs at bay.
The laser can only treat hairs that are in the growing phase or visible on the skin surface, as a result multiple treatments are required to treat all hair in the skin. With the high power and skin cooling of our laser’s most people only require 6/8 sessions compared with other IPL of lasers that require 8-12 or in some cases more. As a result not only are our individual treatments prices lower but you will save more overall due to the superior results of our machines.
How long do I leave in between treatments?
You can leave 4/8 weeks between sessions, depending on the area and how many treatments you have had. Our therapists will create a personal treatment plan for you at your consultation, prior to any treatments.

Will it hurt?
Our lasers use an integrated patented ‘crystal freeze’ technology to keep the skin surface at a constant five degrees, thereby protecting the skin and ensuring a very comfortable treatment. It is normal to feel a warm prickling sensation throughout the procedure which means the treatment is working, however you should not feel any intense pain. We ensure that all our clients will feel comfortable throughout treatments.
Does the Laser treatment work on darker skin types?
Yes our lasers will work safely on all skin and hair types, offering two work modes, high fluencies of energy and stacked pulse technology. We will always personalise settings in your treatment plan for the best possible results.
Does the Laser treatment work on lighter or red hairs?
As with all laser technology, red, white and grey hairs will not respond to the laser treatment as they have no melanin. We are always completely honest with client expectations, some lighter haired clients do achieve results, but it can be a longer process.
Can you have Laser Hair removal whilst pregnant?
No you cannot have the treatment whilst pregnant, as the treatment is hormone related. You will need to wait at least 3 months post pregnancy to allow for your hormones to regulate. You also cannot have the treatment whilst breastfeeding.
Can you go in the sun or on sun-beds after Laser Hair removal treatment?
We can treat tanned skin as long as the tan isn’t active in the skin, therefore we recommend no sun exposure a minimum of 3 days before and 3 days after your treatments. We always recommend wearing a high factor suncream SPF30+ during your laser treatment programme.