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It's exactly as it says, we can dissolve dermal fillers with a product called Hyaluronidase

What is Filler Dissolving?

This is a type of enzyme that will catalyse the degradation of hyaluronic acid. It's used in the rare event that there is a problem requiring immediate attention post treatment but we also make good use of this if someone simply wants to remove old filler. It maybe that a client has had an unsatisfactory result elsewhere or they may have some migration of product that requires treatment.

How long does it take?

Your appointment will be around 40 minutes in total. You'll have a full consultation to ensure that you're suitable and we'll go over your medical history to ensure that there's nothing that could prevent you from having treatment (this is totally confidential). We'll then give you a patch test to check for any reaction before actually injecting into the problem area. The actual treatment and delivery of the relevant aftercare advice will then take around 10 minutes.

When will I see the results?

When we inject, the Hyaluronidase it begins to work straight away and you can often see volume decreasing as we massage it into the filler thats being removed. It will be present in the treated area for around a week and so we advise against any new filler in the same area for at least two weeks.

Will there be any bruising/swelling?

Yes, as with all injectable treatments, there is always the possibility of some redness, swelling or bruising following the procedure.


34 Stanley Street



LL65 1HL



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